Netsuite allows us to customize several tools in order to make the Netsuite experience more suitable for their customers and users. This, in order to give the user the power to include in the ERP unique processes that are specific to each business and company. This customization power goes from simple fields and forms to scripts, custom transactions, and processes.
What is a “Customization”?
A customization is all the efforts the users or administrators of the account make in order to personalize Netsuite for the benefit of the user. By using the customization options we will be able to automate processes, make a unique and better experience for the user, and add strength to our company.
When do we consider customization?
Although it seems like it, customization is not the answer to everything, we should only consider customization in the following cases:
Standard bottlenecks: If some standard processes within Netsuite have chances to be improved by customizing it.
Unique separate processes: In the whole range of businesses we might find processes that are unique and separate from all others.
Specific needs: For specifics of each company and line of business, we will need information according to them.
When to customize?
Even if we are certain a customization is what is needed, there are a few points to take a look at to go after it. First of all, we should verify if the customizations return is greater than the resources invested in it, in other words, verify if the return over investment is enough. Secondly, search for third party solutions, for specific but common needs several companies offer third party solutions that could help. And finally, always ask a Netsuite expert. Get in contact with a Netsuite Partner in order to always have someone to ask questions regarding your needs.
What can we customize?
Fields: Add different types of fields to different types of transactions or records.
Forms: Personalize the order, name and display of fields, among others.
Records: Create records to add information that is not currently supported by Netsuite Standards.
Workflows: Automate your approval proccesses, autopopulate fields and much more.
Scripts: Develop scripts in order to customize more complex processes, needs, or requirements.
Reports, Searches and Workbooks: Exploit the data inside Netsuite according to your needs.
Dashboards: Share the layout of your dashboards with your coworkers in order to have similar information.
Netsuite is aware of the limitations an ERP can have in order to reach the most customers, and to attack that pain point, they offer several options to customize it and adapt it to your needs. By maintaining the ERP flexible, we can make sure anything you need is possible within Netsuite. By Hector F.